Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Isn't this thing super cool looking? This is called a sea gooseberry, or scientifically Pleurobrachia pileus. But lets just say the sea gooseberry. Many divers along the Norwegian coast come across these gooseberries. They float near the surface, and on night dives they can be spotted with just a flash light. Commonly they are found in rock pools and low tides. Can you imagine just flashing your light into the sea and seeing that?! So crazy. They are easily overlooked though because they are only 2.5 cm in diameter. They have two tentacles that can reach as much as 20 times their body length. Cool thing also about thier tentacles is that they can be retracted into pockets inside its body. They flash the rainbow colors because they retract light, and they are really pretty because of that. The rhythmic beating of the cilia allow them to swim. Some sea gooseberries will even eat each other for food. But they also eat fish eggs and larvae, molluscs, and copepod crustaceans. They catch their pray with their long tentacles, which they then real in to their mouth.
I found this REALLY cool video of the sea gooseberry and its movement. Man what an amazing creature!
Friday, April 16, 2010
I also think it is not cool because this whole idea is not only harming the animals, but it is making us humans ill as well. Where is the benefit then? I really hope this antibiotic thing gets regulated or even completely gotten rid of. Leave the animals alone and just make them natural!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Evolutionary Theory.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Genetics help on number 6!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Cellular Respiration
Humans would not be able to function on anaerobic cellular respiration alone. They need both of these processes to produce ATP in order to survive. The oxygen we need is produced through aerobic respiration. When it doesn’t happen, like in anaerobic, our muscles can shut down. Which is very bad obviously. That doesn’t really explain why we are most active. I believe that us mammals are more active because of our surrounding and environment. Crocodiles and cold blooded animals live in water, or at least like to be in water or kind of lone areas. This has made them adapt to a kind of boring and less active lifestyle. Mammals like us are more active because of our own surroundings. We like to be around other people and do a lot of activities. In the end like that, I don’t think ATP works that way. Just because cold blooded animals have more ATP, doesn’t mean they are supposed to be more active. It just means they produce more ATP.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I think it is a good thing that the label companies have to give out the amount of transfat in a product. Trans fat can be BAD! It is the fat that sometimes you can't get rid of! bad bad BAD! They raise your bad cholesterol levels and lower your good cholesterol levels. These fats increase the risk for heart disease and stroke. This is why people are so concerned about them now. It didn't used to be as big of a deal, but that is because people didn't know what trans fats were. They didnt realize how bad for you they are. With all the obsity in America, I feel like now that companies have to let people be more aware of this, it may help decrease the numbers. (http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3045792)
While still looking at the cheez its. I think it is half and half about the natural and lab ingredients. I am not a good judge at that though. So someone correct me if I am wrong. When it comes to eating though, I try to stay healthy, but I don't do that great of a job. But like I said earlier, my parents like the low calorie and reduced fat snacks, so that helps out a lot. I am not that tempted to eat that much junk while I am at home. The worst part about trying to eat healthy is where I work. Since I work at an ice cream store, the temptation to eat all that junky and fattening ice cream is always there. But Baskin Robbins recently has been trying to incorrporate a healthy thing, and we have a few low fat ice creams that are soo good. So I usually just stick with those. The concern for my health comes in with the fact that high blood pressure and cholesterol runs in the family. So I really try to be more concerned with my eating in order to avoid those risks later on in life.